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- Tue, Apr 01House of NADIC - 27ANADIC members and Team Norway partners are welcome to join us for a series of service provider presentations & valuable networking opportunities with the LINC companies.
- Tue, Apr 01Cortland Rosslyn Rooftop
- Wed, Apr 02House of NADIC - 27A9am | Breakfast & Networking 9:30-10:30am | Annual Meeting of Members
- Wed, Apr 02House of NADIC - 27ANADIC members and Team Norway partners are welcome to join us for a series of service provider presentations & valuable networking opportunities with the LINC companies.
- Thu, Apr 03House of NADIC | Convene 30th FloorBrave New Alliances | Leveraging Alliance & Partnership Resources for Collective Security
- Sun, Apr 06Gaylord National Convention CenterSea-Air-Space is the premier maritime exposition in the U.S. featuring defense industry leaders and major military decision makers from around the globe
- Mon, Apr 07The BroadmoorSpace Symposium is the premier event uniting global space professionals from all sectors, providing a unique platform to explore critical space issues, foster dialogue, and drive innovation across the space industry
- Wed, Apr 09The Broadmoor
- Tue, Apr 29Walter E. Washington Convention CenterModern Day Marine is the largest military equipment, systems, and technology expo targeted to the USMC
- Mon, May 05Tampa Convention CenterSOF Week is an annual conference for the international SOF community to learn, connect, and honor its members
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